The finial from the Eudald Serra collection

Wood, shells, fibers, pigments. Collection number: 5208 at the base of the sculpture. Estimated time: first half of the 20th century.. Aibom village. Iatmul language group. Lake Chambri regions. Papua New Guinea
Height: 1.56m

Provenance :
– Collected in the village of Aibom (probably by Father Xavier Vergés)
– Acquired from the Marienberg mission in 1966 by Eudald Serra
– Eudald Serra Collection, Barcelona
– By descendants kept in the family
– David & Mercedes Serra Collection, Barcelona

Eudald Serra, Alberto Folch, Maria-Lluïsa Borràs. Arte de Papúa y Nueva Guinea.
Ediciones Polígrafa, S.A. Barcelona. 1984, reproduced (details) on pages 145, 147. (photo)

Photo caption: Eudald Serra i Güell (left) and Joan Miró i Ferrà, in front of the Barcelona Artistic Circle.1950…

A complete study of this rare piece is available on request.

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