Showcased by Marcel Nies

Buddha Protected By Mukhalinda

Thailand, Lopburi period 13th century
Height 32cm.


Pan-Asian collection, New York, USA, 1950s-1990
Collection Mr. M. Falk, USA, 1990-2000
Collection Mr. J.F. Coumans, the Netherlands, 2002-2014

P. Pal, Sensuous Immortals, A Selection of Sculpture from the Pan-Asian Collection, Los
Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, 1977, pp. 217-218, n°132b
Sotheby’s New York, Pan-Asian collection, October 5th, 1990, lot. 120
M. Nies, Portrait of the Divine, Antwerp, 2014, pp. 38-39

On loan to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, USA, 1977-1990